Saturday, March 19, 2011

Belleville Flea-Market & Surrounding thrift Stores (Slim Pickins')

Today my girlfriend and I went to the Belleville Flea Market and while there were a lot of vendors there today there wasn't much that really caught my eye. I only took one picture there of something I liked but other than that I kept my camera in my pocket and ended up not getting anything there today. After the flea market, my girlfriend and I went to a couple thrift stores and a hole in the wall antique shop. All in all I didn't see too much today that I wanted to get but I took a few pictures.

Here is the only really noteworthy thing that I saw at the Belleville flea market. I saw this really cool vintage Propane stove made by Vesti and it was in really good condition! I would live to have this in a small apartment although I would definitely have it thoroughly checked over before testing it out. It was only $65 though! What a deal! I like the way it looks and it was pretty compact too!


Here we have a 1968 Chromcraft table w/ leaf and 5 chairs! This set was only $55 at a local goodwill and thats a pretty good deal! I don't favor the design but I'm sure someone will! It's in pretty good shape too and even though one chair is missing, that is still a pretty nice set to have. I would much rather buy something vintage like this than a brand new dining table and chairs for hundreds of dollars. Besides, this has much more character! I hope someone gives this a nice new home!



Here is some stuff from a small hole in the wall antique shop over in Belleville. I don't remember the name because I forgot to take a picture of the front of the building. There was some pretty neat stuff in here and It was all decently priced stuff. Here we have two vintage fiberglass chairs. They were $60 each though so I'm not down for getting those. There were also a bunch of those snack plates and the weaved plastic coffee mugs in there. I don't know how much the plates were but the mugs were 5 for $15 so my dad will probably go back and get those since he already has one and uses it all the time. Also look at that wild floor lamp over there! I looked pretty wild and crazy vintage so I snapped a picture of that too. I'll go back here again because there was some other cool stuff in there too and I'll get a picture of the name of the store too.



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